


What about Performance

Surveying organisation culture and guide clients on how to change from the existing to the desired organisation culture. We use amongst others the Organisation Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI-online) based on the Competing Values Framework.Conducting organisation climate surveys helping clients to better understand how employees feel and think about the organization.

Conducting culture, climate, values and case studies. Developing tailor-made team development interventions to address specific organizational needs.

we help you evaluate the performance or your employees

Accurate. Evaluate. Decide.

Change is never easy, but the reality is that employees should be more scared of nothing changing, and therefore the company becoming irrelevant, than frequent change. The trick lies in managing change effectively..

We help our clients by:

Designing and introducing relevant organizational structures, thereby complimenting strategic result areas and direction.

In a dynamic and rapidly changing business environment, Work Dynamics offers professional change managers which assists in organizational transformation. ..

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